atlantismegaways| Gujinggong Liang Jinhui: Quality is "1". Without excellent quality, all the following "0" will lose their value

Date: 5个月前 (04-14)View: 78Comments: 0

Special topic: heavy weight! The head liquor enterprises all come.AtlantismegawaysYes! The 13th Chinese Liquor T9 Summit held

The 13th China Liquor T9 Summit, sponsored by China Liquor Industry Association and hosted by Shanxi Fen Liquor Group, was solemnly held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on April 12. At the summit, Liang Jinhui, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech entitled "the power of confidence and the power to forge ahead".

Liang Jinhui pointed out that at present, under the consumption concept and trend of "drinking less and drinking good wine", the value of famous wine has been further highlighted. In the industry, the head wine enterprises continue to make efforts around quality improvement, production expansion and kinetic energy conversion, based on tradition, strong ingenuity, science and technology promotion, green brewing, intelligent manufacturing gradually become a consensus, the new quality productivity of the industry is speeding up.

He pointed out that the gentleman is based on the principle of being upright and virtuous. The continuous origin of the inheritance of Chinese liquor culture lies in the unique craftsmanship, the wonders of the local environment and the promotion of innovation. In the final analysis, it lies in the strength of persistence, being upright and not old-fashioned, respecting the ancient and not muddy the ancient.

One is the source of solid technology. Liquor-making technology is the soul of all liquor-making enterprises. The unique flavor of Chinese liquor lies in its complex technology and exquisite raw materials. The production technology of famous wine is summarized and improved from the long-term wine-making practice. Taking Gujing as an example, the wine-making method of Gujing tribute wine is inherited from the "Jiuzhu Liquor method" presented by Cao Cao, and has so far formed 128 complex processes including raw material preparation, saccharification, fermentation, distillation and aging. In order to inherit the process from generation to generation, Gujing is emphasizing the standardization of technology, attaching great importance to the training of professionals, vigorously carrying forward the spirit of craftsmen, adhering to long-term doctrine, extreme thinking and high-quality consciousness, and striving to train a group of wine craftsmen who are willing to study, skilled, knowledgeable and innovative.

atlantismegaways| Gujinggong Liang Jinhui: Quality is "1". Without excellent quality, all the following "0" will lose their value

The second is the source of fixing wind and soil. Wine is the creation of heaven and earth and the grace of nature. The Chishui River flows with a unique sauce flavor represented by Maotai, Lang Liquor, and Xi Liquor. The Sichuan Basin has given birth to a strong fragrance represented by Wuliangye, Luzhou laojiao, and Jiannanchun. The Huang-Huai River Basin brewed a light and elegant fragrance represented by Yanghe Daqu and Gujing tribute wine, and the land of Sanjin emitted a pleasant fragrance represented by Fen wine. Local climate is the genetic code engraved in the bones of famous wine, without the high-quality microecology of the producing area, the wine loses its taste and loses its source. We should make comprehensive use of scientific inquiry, archaeological exploration, cultural tracing and other means to clarify and explain the unique ecology of the famous wine producing areas, and give further play to the advantages of the producing areas. At the same time, we should do a good job in protecting the producing areas, maximize coordination to promote green expansion, energy saving, pollution reduction and consumption reduction, create green highlands, promote by-products to turn waste into treasures, develop green brewing and circular economy, and protect this wine-making treasure land for our future generations.

The third is the source of solid innovation. In the face of the ever-changing needs of consumers, as a traditional industry, Chinese liquor must also be based on tradition, correct innovation, and be good at developing and applying new productive forces. Solve old problems with new technology, improve the quality of empowerment with new technology, promote strong enterprises with science and technology, accelerate intelligent upgrading, actively promote the Internet of things technology, computer technology and big data analysis, promote the upgrading of wine-making practice and enterprise management, promote the liquor industry to be in the forefront of industrial upgrading, and consolidate the foundation for high-quality development.

Liang Jinhui pointed out that the promotion of products and the development of the industry are inseparable from the provision of value. Now, the social requirements for the value contribution of China's wine industry have reached a new historical stage. The future value direction of China's wine industry should be in harmony with consumers, society and nature, and constantly convey the industrial value of "truth, goodness and beauty".

"Truth, goodness and beauty" is the "meaning in the theme" of the high-quality development of China's wine industry, and it is also a necessary way to enhance the value of China's wine industry. In 2014, Gujing Group formally put forward the enterprise values of "being a real person, brewing fine wine, improving the body, and benefiting the world", establishing the pursuit of "truth, goodness and beauty" as the cultural core of enterprise development, and thus opened the Gujing three-product project with "truth, goodness and beauty" as the core, that is, "seeking truth in quality, seeking goodness in conduct, and seeking beauty in the brand". Among them, "truth" is fundamental, contributing to the people with better wine and forging the core of development; "goodness" is the background, dedicating the people with more love and realizing social value; and "beauty" is the vision to serve the people with more beautiful standards and achieve stability.

First, the quality of truth, focus on wine brewing. Quality is the cardinal number of enterprise value, is "1", there is no excellent quality, and all the "zeros" have lost their value. In 2013, Gujing summarized and put forward the "135 Lean quality" management model, and the quality expression system of "four beams and eight pillars" was officially announced at the autumn brewing ceremony in 2022. Now, the closed-loop management of Gujing tribute wine pulp "from a grain to a drop of wine" has been completed. At the same time, Gujing is working with top scientific research institutions and famous universities in the field of food fermentation such as Jiangnan University and China Industrial and Commercial University to jointly establish "Gujing tribute Liquor Grain Research Institute", "vintage Raw Pulp quality Research Institute" and "China Liquor Health Research Institute". Actively make use of modern science and technology to transform and enhance liquor-making production.

The second is to seek good conduct and focus on social responsibility. Throughout the development of China's wine industry in recent years, the word "responsibility" is undoubtedly a bright color. The major wine enterprises consciously assume social responsibility, around the people's yearning for a better new life, continue to contribute to the new strength of the wine industry.

In recent years, Gujing Group has been making continuous efforts around "seeking goodness in moral conduct". In promoting the base planting of wine-making raw grain, promoting the revitalization of the countryside; promoting intelligent manufacturing, green brewing, promoting the revitalization of the industry; promoting the integration of production and tourism, so as to enhance the value of cross-industry and cross-industry; join philanthropy, help the crisis and help the poor, help public welfare undertakings, etc., consciously assume social responsibility. Last year, Gujing Gong Liquor was also awarded the "excellent case of China Liquor Industry ESG 2023" at the China Liquor Industry Association's 2023 China Liquor Industry ESG Forum.

Third, the brand seeks beauty and focuses on cultural value. The beauty of a brand is not water without a source or a tree without roots. Chairman Song Shuyu once pointed out that "Huaxia Aesthetics" is not only a new topic, but also a major topic for China's wine industry. In recent years, under the guidance of China Liquor Industry Association, Chinese liquor enterprises share their beauty and beauty.

Gujing Group insists on drawing nutrients from China's excellent traditional culture and puts forward the corporate aesthetic proposition of "the beauty of four tribute", namely: the beauty of contribution lights up life with quality wine; the beauty of tribute and enjoyment nourishes spirit with cultural wine; The beauty of tribute words communicates emotions with value wine; the beauty of tribute harmony is to unite heaven and man with ecological wine.


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