fishing| The first space science forum was held at the Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting

Date: 5个月前 (04-28)View: 74Comments: 0

April twenty _ seventh in the afternoonFishingThe 2024 Zhongguancun (000931) annual meeting parallel to the Space Science Forum with the theme of "Space Science Exploration and Discovery" was successfully held. The forum is hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and co-hosted by the Major Science and Technology Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Chen Jiachang, vice minister of science and technology, Yu Yingjie, member of the standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the Education work Committee, and Ding Chibiao, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the forum and delivered speeches.

At this forum, government officials, representatives of space agencies, and experts and scholars in the field of space science from many countries and regions reviewed and prospected the development of space science, and conducted in-depth discussions on all-round exchanges and cooperation in the field of space science in the future. Gu Yidong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief expert in space science of China manned Space Project (603698), introduced space science and applications in the field of manned space flight. Wang Chi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, interpreted the latest progress in the research on the development strategy of space science in China. Wang Qiong, a researcher at the Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center of the National Space Administration and deputy chief of the Chang'e-8 project, shared the progress and prospects of the International Lunar Research Station. Alvaro, professor of the Spanish National Research Council, Clezio, president of the National Space Research Institute of Brazil, Mathieu Grialou, representative of CNES in China, Professor Zhang Keke of Macau University of Science and Technology, director of Nandra of the Mapu Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics of Germany, and other Chinese and foreign experts introduced the frontier progress of space science in different countries and different fields. In particular, it introduces the relevant cooperation with China and the future cooperation plan. At the forum, Yuan Weimin, chief scientist of the Einstein probe (EP) satellite and researcher of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, released the first batch of EP satellite in-orbit scientific detection images, which were highly recognized and concerned by domestic and foreign experts.

fishing| The first space science forum was held at the Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting

The Zhongguancun Forum was founded in 2007 with the theme of "Innovation: building a better World". The Space Science Forum is one of the first parallel forums established at the annual meeting of the Zhongguancun Forum in 2024. Space science will play an important role in supporting Beijing to build a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence, and for our country to seize the commanding heights of science and technology, achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and become a world scientific and technological power.

Yang Yuehan, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily


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