
Date: 5个月前 (05-05)View: 70Comments: 0

Glonghui May 5 丨 Angel Yeast (600298)(600298nftgamefreetoplayplaytoearn.SH) Announcementnftgamefreetoplayplaytoearn, April 2024nftgamefreetoplayplaytoearn, the company did not repurchase shares. As of April 30, 2024, the company has repurchased a total of 1,094 sharesnftgamefreetoplayplaytoearn.4,000 shares, accounting for 1.2599% of the company's current total share capital. The highest price of the repurchase transaction is 36.54 yuan/share, the lowest price is 31.50 yuan/share, and the total amount of funds paid is RMB 380 million (excluding stamp duty and transaction commissions and other fees).



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