bonuspoker100| [Practical Guide] Detailed explanation of the formula and steps for calculating internal and external rates of return

Date: 5个月前 (04-19)View: 70Comments: 0

Internal and external rate of returnBonuspoker100The detailed explanation of the calculation formula and steps of

Internal rate of return (IRR) is an important index to evaluate the income of investment projects. This article will introduce the concept, calculation method and application scenario of IRR in detail to help you better understand and use the internal rate of return.

1. The concept of internal rate of return

Internal rate of return (Internal Rate of Return)Bonuspoker100, IRR) is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of the project zero. When the IRR of investment projects is higher than the minimum rate of return required by investors, investment projects are generally considered acceptable. The higher the IRR, the more attractive the investment project.

two。 Calculation method of Internal rate of return

bonuspoker100| [Practical Guide] Detailed explanation of the formula and steps for calculating internal and external rates of return

The calculation of IRR involves solving a polynomial equation about the discounted value of cash flow. The specific steps are as followsBonuspoker100:

(1) to determine the cash flow of the investment project, including the initial investment amount and the cash inflow or outflow in each period.

(2) set a discount rate to calculate the net present value (NPV) of the project. The calculation formula of NPV is:

NPV = ∑ (CFt / (1 + r) t)

Where CFt represents the cash flow of period t, r represents the discount rate, and t represents the number of periods.

(3) adjust the discount rate to make NPV equal to zero, then the discount rate is IRR. Because the solution of IRR involves many attempts and iterations, it usually needs the help of professional software or financial calculator.

3. Application scenario of Internal rate of return

IRR plays an important role in many fields, such as investment decision, project evaluation, capital budget and so on. Here are some common application scenarios:

(1) evaluate the income of investment projects as an important basis for investment decision-making.

(2) it is used for the comparative analysis of different investment projects to help investors choose the best investment portfolio.

(3) as an index of enterprise financial performance evaluation, it can measure the investment benefit and capital operation ability of enterprises.

4. Calculation and Application of external rate of return

External rate of return (External Rate of ReturnBonuspoker100ERR) is another evaluation indicator similar to IRR, which is mainly used in situations where cash flow cannot be accurately predicted. ERR is calculated as follows:

ERR = NPV / PV (investment cost)

Where PV (investment cost) represents the present value of the initial investment. The closer the value of ERR to 1, the lower the return of the investment project; the higher the value of ERR, the higher the return of the investment project.

The application scenario of ERR is similar to IRR, which mainly lies in the evaluation of the returns of investment projects and the comparative analysis of different investment projects.

Through the above detailed explanation of the calculation formula and steps of the internal and external rate of return, I believe you have a more in-depth understanding of these two indicators. In practice, the combination of these two indicators can help you better evaluate the value and returns of investment projects, so as to make more informed investment decisions.


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