
Date: 5个月前 (05-05)View: 76Comments: 0

SourceTiger'sRichesRoarSecurities firm China


The third Plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing in July.

The political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on 30 April and decided to hold the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of Communist Party of China in Beijing in July this year. The main agenda is that the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee will report its work to the Central Committee, focusing on further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. The meeting analyzed and studied the current economic situation and economic work, and deliberated the "opinions on a number of policies and measures to continuously promote the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta." Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to rely on forward efforts to effectively implement the established macro policies and implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. It is necessary to issue and make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds as soon as possible, speed up the issuance and use of special bonds, maintain the necessary intensity of financial expenditure, and ensure that the grass-roots "three guarantees" are spent in full and on time. It is necessary to flexibly use policy tools such as interest rates and deposit reserve ratio to increase support to the real economy and reduce social comprehensive financing costs. It is necessary to do a good job in evaluating the consistency of macro policy orientation and strengthen expectation management. It is necessary to actively expand domestic demand and properly implement the action plan for large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods. It is necessary to create more consumption scenes and better meet the diversified and high-quality consumption needs of the people. It is necessary to further promote a new type of people-oriented urbanization and continue to unleash the potential of consumption and investment. It is necessary to implement a new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital and fully stimulate the vitality of private investment.

The meeting stressed the need to develop new-quality productive forces in line with local conditions. It is necessary to strengthen the layout of national strategic scientific and technological forces, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, build future industries in advance, and use advanced technology to enable the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We should actively develop venture capital and strengthen patient capital.

The meeting stressed the need to continuously prevent and defuse risks in key areas. We will continue to implement policies based on the city, consolidate the responsibilities of local governments, real estate enterprises and financial institutions, earnestly do a good job in ensuring the delivery of houses, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers. In the light of the new changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market and the people's new expectations for high-quality housing, we should comprehensively study policies and measures to digest the stock of real estate and optimize incremental housing, and step up efforts to build a new model of real estate development. promote high-quality development of real estate. It is necessary to thoroughly implement local government debt risk resolution programs to ensure that high-risk provinces, cities and counties can not only truly reduce debt, but also develop steadily. We should continue to promote the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions and take more measures to promote the healthy development of the capital market.

For details, see: "the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to hold the third Plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee" and "the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee set the tone! Here comes the latest interpretation. "


The SFC issued a major announcement.

In order to implement the "opinions of the State Council on strengthening Supervision and preventing risks and promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital Market" and "opinions on strict access to issuance and listing to improve the quality of listed companies from the Source (for trial implementation)", the CSRC revised the guidelines on the Evaluation of the attributes of Scientific and technological Innovation (for trial implementation), and implemented as of the date of promulgation. The revised guidelines appropriately raise the requirements for the compound growth rate of R & D investment, the number of invention patents and operating income of Science and Technology Innovation Board's proposed listed enterprises, and aims to guide scientific and technological start-up enterprises to pay more attention to scientific research investment and the industrialization of scientific research achievements. to promote the further improvement of the quality of reporting enterprises. In the next step, the CSRC will guide the Shanghai Stock Exchange to do a good job in implementing the rules, stick to the position of Science and Technology Innovation Board, the main services are in line with the national strategy, possess key core technologies, have outstanding scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and mainly rely on core technologies to carry out production and operation. with a stable business model, high market recognition, good social image, strong growth enterprises issued and listed in Science and Technology Innovation Board, scientific and technological innovation to promote industrial innovation Give better play to the function of Science and Technology Innovation Board.

On the same day, the CSRC issued guidance and supervision guidelines for companies listed in the national share conversion system to apply for listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange to further optimize the guidance and supervision work of the Beijing Stock Exchange. The guidance guidelines of the Beijing Stock Exchange highlight the "three reinforcements". First, strengthen the linkage between counseling supervision and continuous supervision. Give full play to the full chain regulatory advantages of the new third board and the Beijing Stock Exchange, establish a regulatory information sharing mechanism among the nodes of listing audit, daily supervision, guidance supervision and listing audit, make it clear that the national stock transfer system and the Securities Regulatory Bureau should establish a communication and docking mechanism, and refine the regulatory information notification requirements between the two. At the same time, it clarifies the content requirements of the guidance supervision report of the Securities Regulatory Bureau, and emphasizes that the Beijing Stock Exchange should pay attention to the contents of the guidance supervision report in the audit, and do a good job in the connection between the guidance link and the audit registration link.


The Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges have issued a number of business rules and will step up efforts to formulate and revise them.Tiger'sRichesRoarHe rules and publishes them as soon as possible.

On April 30, the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges officially issued a number of rules, such as the rules for the examination and approval of Stock issuance and listing. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has revised and issued nine business rules, including five major business rules, including the rules for the examination of Stock issuance and listing, which have been publicly consulted, as well as four supporting business rules and guidelines. In addition, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is formulating, revising and implementing other business rules of the new "National Nine articles", which will be released to the market as soon as possible.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has revised and issued nine business rules, which are specifically divided into three categories: first, six rules for the examination of issuance and listing, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the strict control of market entry, improve the financial indicators of issuance and listing, improve the positioning standards of the gem, strengthen the audit of financial authenticity, strengthen on-site supervision, standardize surprise "warehouse clearance" dividends before listing, and tighten the responsibilities of intermediary agencies. The second is a rule of issuing and underwriting, the main purpose of which is to implement the strict supervision of over-raising requirements at high prices, further standardize the behavior of underwriters issuing investment value research reports, and strengthen the supervision of issuance and underwriting. The third is the two regulatory rules for listed companies, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the requirements of continuous supervision, optimize the listing conditions, strengthen the hard constraint on cash dividends, strictly enforce delisting standards, and speed up the formation of a normal delisting pattern that should be withdrawn and cleared in time. At the same time, based on market feedback, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is stepping up efforts to formulate and revise other supporting business guidelines and guidelines, which will be released to the market as soon as possible.


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