antstream| Bridgewater Fund founder Dalio warns of the risks of "civil war" in the United States: it does not have to be a war with guns! Investors should transfer some of their funds to foreign markets

Date: 4个月前 (05-16)View: 53Comments: 0

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns that the U.S. government is risingantstreamDebt levels could hit U.S. Treasuries, and he believes investors should move some of their money to foreign markets.

In a recent interview, Dalio described his broad concerns about the United States, including the debt burden, the risk of what he called a "civil war" and the possibility of the United States becoming embroiled in another international conflict, which he warned could deter foreign investors from buying U.S. bonds.

he saidantstream:"I'm worried about U.S. Treasuries because debt levels are high, and high interest rates exacerbate debt levels."

"I'm also worried about weak demand leading to oversupply, especially international buyers worried about the U.S. debt situation and possible sanctions," Dalio said. He added that if the United States imposed sanctions on more countries, it could reduce international demand for U.S. Treasuries.

Dalio said investors should consider moving some of their funds abroad because of U.S. debt and the potential impact of further conflicts.

He said the risks facing the United States are rising, making it necessary for investors to diversify geographically.

"Countries with more revenue than expenditures, good balance sheets, good internal order, and neutrality in geopolitical conflicts... look attractive," Dalio added.

He pointed to India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and a number of Gulf countries as potentially attractive investment destinations, adding that gold is also a good diversification tool.

Among the risks his research found was Dalio's belief that there was an increasing likelihood of a "civil war" in the United States--which he put at between 35% and 40%.

"We are on the edge of a cliff right now," he said. But we "don't yet know whether we will enter more turbulent times."

antstream| Bridgewater Fund founder Dalio warns of the risks of "civil war" in the United States: it does not have to be a war with guns! Investors should transfer some of their funds to foreign markets

The civil war that Dalio imagines does not necessarily involve people "picking up guns and starting shooting," although such a situation is possible.

Instead, he sees it as an acceleration of the polarization of American politics in recent decades. This civil war will be a war in which "people move to different states that are more consistent with what they want, and they will not follow the decisions of federal authorities with opposite political beliefs."

He also believes this year's U.S. presidential election, the most important one of his life, will determine whether the risks he sees, including the impact of climate change and the wider use of artificial intelligence, will get out of hand.


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