dancearcadegame| Types and Purchasing Guidelines for Treasury Bonds: Detailed explanation of savings bonds, book-entry bonds and ultra-long-term bonds

Date: 4个月前 (05-17)View: 55Comments: 0

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Individual investors can obtain stable returns through savings treasury bonds and book-entry treasury bonds. Savings bonds are divided into voucher type and electronic typedancearcadegame, the latter can bring additional profit opportunities from market transactions. Book-entry treasury bonds cover various maturities, and ultra-long-term special treasury bonds of 20-year, 30-year and 50-year can be purchased through banks and securities companies.

dancearcadegame| Types and Purchasing Guidelines for Treasury Bonds: Detailed explanation of savings bonds, book-entry bonds and ultra-long-term bonds

Newsletter text

[Individual investors can easily purchase treasury bonds through multiple channels]

Savings treasury bonds and book-entry treasury bonds have become sound financial management for individual investorsdancearcadegameExcellent choice. Savings bonds are sold directly to individuals and are divided into two types: voucher type and electronic type. The former uses paper vouchers as the recording method, while the latter is characterized by electronic records. Book-entry treasury bonds are mainly for institutional investors, but also provide individual investors with opportunities to trade in the secondary market.

There are a variety of terms of treasury bonds, covering short-term to ultra-long-term treasury bonds, meeting the different asset allocation needs of individual investors. The maturity of short-term treasury bonds does not exceed one year, the issuance period of critical term treasury bonds is 1 to 10 years, and the issuance period of ultra-long-term treasury bonds is more than 10 years. At present, savings treasury bonds are available with two maturities: 3-year and 5-year, while book-entry treasury bonds comprehensively cover all 13 maturities including short-term, critical maturities and ultra-long terms.

Electronic savings bonds have a wide range of purchase channels. Investors can purchase through branch counters, online banking or mobile banking of members of the savings bond underwriting syndicate. The Ministry of Finance will announce relevant information such as the issuance date, interest rate and scale in advance for investors to inquire. After maturity, interest and principal will be automatically transferred to the investor's capital account. When redemption in advance, the holding time is different and the interest calculation method is also different.

The purchase of certificate-based savings bonds is equally convenient. Investors can subscribe at the outlets of members of the savings bond underwriting syndicate. After maturity, the principal and interest will be repaid in one lump sum, and no interest will be charged if overdue. When redemption in advance, the length of holding time also affects the calculation and payment of interest.

Purchase channels for book-entry treasury bonds include the national inter-bank bond market and stock exchanges. Investors can open bond accounts and capital accounts through banks or securities companies to open trading businesses. The interest payment method depends on the term of the national debt. National debt with a term of less than one year is repaid in one lump sum at face value, and national debt with a term of one year and above is paid regularly. Investors should note that selling before interest payment will not be able to earn interest in the latest interest payment cycle.

In addition, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, including three maturities of 20 years, 30 years, and 50 years, will also be issued this year. Investors can follow the purchase process of book-entry treasury bonds. Diversified options in the treasury bond market provide individual investors with a wealth of financial management tools, and also help promote the construction of the treasury bond yield curve.


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