projexprojectinggamearcade| Summary of the headlines on the front page of the four major securities newspapers on May 23

Date: 4个月前 (05-23)View: 63Comments: 0

Special topic: the essence of four Securities Newspapers

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On Thursday, May 23, the main contents of today's headlines are as follows:

China Securities News

The listing activity of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds is expected to increase.

30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were listed on the secondary market since May 22, and their trading prices rose more than 20% in intraday trading on the exchange market, triggering temporary suspensions twice and not making waves in the interbank market.

The dividend of private companies on the main board of Shanghai stock market continues to increase.

Data show that private listed companies on the main board of the Shanghai stock market achieved a net operating cash inflow of 843.9 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 9% over the same period last year, cash flow improved significantly, and various operating indicators of private listed companies have been quickly repaired. Industry insiders said that recently, private listed companies on the main board of the Shanghai stock market have responded positively to the requirements of the new "National Nine articles" and continued to improve their dividend, and many enterprises have actively participated in equipment renewal, increased investment in research and development, and built themselves.ProjexprojectinggamearcadeStrive to achieve high-quality development.

Strengthen reserves to make up for deficiencies in central planning and promote the "dual" construction project

Recently, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds dedicated to the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity-building in key areas are being issued in an orderly manner. In order to strive for more projects to be shortlisted, it is proposed to strengthen the reserve of "dual" projects and make full use of the national policy.

The "wearing a hat" unit is busy with upgrading demining manuals.

Since May, a total of more than 90 A-share listed companies have been warned of risks, including heavy holdings of public funds. A reporter from the China Securities News learned that for active equity funds, once individual stocks are ST, the fund company's risk control requires immediate clearance, but if individual stocks fall to the limit and cannot be sold, they need to be discussed one by one.

Shanghai Securities News

The mobilization and deployment meeting held in Shanghai to implement the new "National Nine articles" will take the lead in building a high-quality development demonstration zone for listed companies in the country.

projexprojectinggamearcade| Summary of the headlines on the front page of the four major securities newspapers on May 23

Shanghai has made the latest arrangements to implement the new "National Nine articles" and promote the high-quality development of the capital market. On May 22, the Financial Office of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee, the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange jointly held the "Shanghai Mobilization and deployment meeting for the implementation of the New National Nine articles." Xie Dong, vice mayor of Shanghai, attended the meeting and delivered a speech; Zhou Xiaozhou, director of the General Business Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission; Qiu Yong, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Shanghai Stock Exchange; and Wang Ping, deputy secretary general of the Shanghai government, attended the meeting.

Foreign-funded enterprises increase the layout of "falling children" where does China's "magnetic attraction" come from?Projexprojectinggamearcade?

Since the beginning of this year, as an important destination for global investment, China has shown resilience and attractiveness. The number of foreign-funded enterprises coming to China for inspection and research, exhibition and business development continues to grow, and many foreign giants cast a "vote of confidence" for China's economic development with real gold and silver. Roche Pharmaceuticals, a well-known multinational pharmaceutical company, announced increased investment in China; Apple's largest retail store in Asia opened in Shanghai; Volkswagen Group (China) announced an investment of 2.5 billion euros to strengthen research and development in China; BMW Group plans to increase capital by 20 billion yuan to promote large-scale factory upgrading and technological innovation in China.

The company is no longer lucky that investors are no longer blindly betting on new delisting rules to speed up the shaping of a new market ecology.

Since late April, a number of stocks have fallen into the "ST camp" (including ST and * ST), leading to a sharp fall in share prices, from thunderous annual reports to financial fraud. Reflected in the ST sector index, the sector index fell 12 per cent unilaterally between April 30 and May 13, while some stocks fell more extreme, indicating a firm withdrawal of funds from the sector.

Institutions gather together to investigate real estate enterprises and securities firms release intensive research reports on the property market "combination punch" ignites market enthusiasm

The real estate market policy "combination fist" has been released intensively, making the real estate sector one of the plates that the current investment institutions focus on. A reporter from the Shanghai Securities News combed and found that from April 14 to May 22, at least 38 real estate development, service, and operation companies were investigated by institutions, including Vanke, Poly Development, China Communications Real Estate, Gree Real Estate, etc., and 62 construction and building materials companies were visited by institutions. At the same time, the number of recent real estate industry research reports written by institutions has also appeared the phenomenon of "blowout".

Securities Times

It needs more rationality to invest in ultra-long-term special treasury bonds.

On May 22, the first issue of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds in 2024 ushered in its first day of trading, and trading was extremely active after the opening, triggering temporary suspensions twice, which reflected investors' enthusiasm for buying, but there may also be irrational buying behavior.

Property buyers expect the new policy to speed up the landing

After the release of a new round of new policies in the property market, there are signs that the property market in many places is picking up. After abolishing the floor of mortgage interest rates and lowering the down payment ratio at the national level, how to specifically follow up policies has become the next most desirable thing for the market.

To prevent funds from chasing high admission, many funds have suspended large-scale applications.

In the past two weeks, a number of active equity performance funds have announced restrictions on large applications, such as Chinese businessmen's dominant industries, Wanjia twin engines and Huatai Barretto strategy, and these products are heavily positioned in the strong non-ferrous metals sector during the year. In addition, at present, a total of 2280 funds (non-goods, only statistics of the initial fund) are in the state of "suspension of purchase" or "suspension of large purchase", of which the debt-to-base ratio is more than half, and QDII fund products also account for a considerable proportion, while most of the active equity products perform well and attract the attention of investors.

The return of funds to China assets QDII fund premium has fallen sharply.

Recently, Yi Fangda Fund, Jingshun Great Wall Fund and other public offerings of a number of products issued intensive premium risk reminders. The reporter combed found that the current market QDII (qualified domestic institutional investors) fund premium products are mainly concentrated in crude oil, Japanese stock market and other related fields, but with the A-share, Hong Kong stock market pick up, the previous capital speculation by the Nikkei ETF, the United States 50ETF and other QDII products heat down, fund premium narrowed one after another.

Securities Daily

More practical measures have been introduced to attract foreign investment. the "magnetic attraction" of the Chinese market to foreign investment continues to increase.

Support foreign investment in the biomedicine field, thoroughly implement the Qualified Foreign Limited Partner (QFLP) domestic investment pilot, promote the implementation of the QFLP total amount management system in Qianhai, support the flow of data between foreign-invested enterprises and headquarters, and implement the implementation of direct investment by foreign investors. Withholding income tax policy will not be levied for the time being... On May 21, the General Office of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government issued the "Implementation Measures for Shenzhen to Further Increase Attract and Utilize Foreign Investment", which aims to promote high-level opening up to the outside world in key areas, 20 specific measures were proposed in five aspects: continuously optimizing the business environment, improving the level of investment and operation facilitation, increasing fiscal and tax support, and improving the foreign investment promotion mechanism.

The intraday surge of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds triggered a temporary suspension on the first day of listing. Experts remind investors not to blindly chase after the gains

On May 22, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds (30-year) were officially listed and traded on the secondary market. Their names on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges were "24 Special Country 01" and "Special Country 2401" respectively. They were triggered after the opening of the day. Temporary suspension of trading was triggered.

Stock marketing and product marketing take into account many listed companies to carry out shareholder feedback activities

In order to enhance stickiness with shareholders, some A-share listed companies distribute cash "red envelopes" to shareholders as well as in-kind benefits. According to incomplete statistics from a reporter from Securities Daily, since the beginning of this year, more than 10 listed companies have launched various forms of feedback activities to shareholders based on different attributes of their own industries.

Shanghai's inclusion of assisted reproduction in medical insurance payments is expected to stimulate demand for medical services, equipment, etc.

Recently, the Shanghai City Medical Insurance Bureau, together with the human resources, social protection, and health departments, issued the "Notice on Including Some Therapeutic Assisted Reproductive Technology Projects into the Scope of Medical Insurance and Work Injury Insurance Payment", including 12 assisted reproductive medical service items into the scope of medical insurance payment and will be implemented starting from June 1, 2024.


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