crashracingpc| Film industry innovation: State Film Administration supports mergers and acquisitions of theater companies

Date: 4个月前 (05-24)View: 68Comments: 0

News summary

Deputy Director Mao Yu calls for reform of the film industrycrashracingpc, support mergers and acquisitions of theater companies and promote increased market concentration.

Newsletter text

Film Industry Sub-Forum of 2024 Summit Forum on Building a Cultural Power: Mao Yu reveals new trends in theater reform

At the sub-forum on the high-quality development of the film industry of the 2024 Cultural Power Building Summit Forum held in Shenzhen, Mao Yu, executive deputy director of the State Film Administration, emphasizedcrashracingpcIt raised the importance of deepening the reform of the film distribution and screening mechanism, and announced that it would support the mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations of theater companies. This move aims to promote the formation of market dominance through the expansion of asset-linked theaters and ensure the orderly exit of substandard theaters in the industry, thereby significantly enhancing industrial concentration.

crashracingpc| Film industry innovation: State Film Administration supports mergers and acquisitions of theater companies


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