asiangames| The cancellation of purchase restrictions triggers the daily limit of real estate stocks, and May may welcome a nationwide wave of relaxation

Date: 4个月前 (05-09)View: 74Comments: 0

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asiangames| The cancellation of purchase restrictions triggers the daily limit of real estate stocks, and May may welcome a nationwide wave of relaxation

This article is derived fromAsiangamesFinancial sector

Hangzhou today officially announced the complete abolition of housing purchase restrictions, as soon as the news came out, real estate stocks on the A-share market set off a rising tide. Shares of Xinhuangpu, Airport (rights protection), Guangyu Group and many other companies rose by the daily limit, while Binjiang Group, Tiandi Source and Jindi Group rose sharply one after another. This news has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm into the long-depressed real estate industry, indicating that the real estate market is ushering in a new turning point.

Hangzhou New deal is of benchmarking significance

As a new first-tier city and an important city in the Yangtze River Delta, Hangzhou has completely lifted the purchase restrictions, which means that its housing policy has completely shifted. Yan Yuejin, research director of the Shanghai Yiju Real Estate Research Institute, believes that the Hangzhou New deal fully implements the guidance of land supply policy and housing policy optimization, and continues to promote the convergence and opening of policies in the two areas of stock real estate and incremental housing, which is very good benchmarking and enlightening. This will not only have a positive impact on the local real estate market in Hangzhou, but also is expected to become itsAsiangamesThe example followed by his city leads a new round of housing policy reform.

May welcome the national tide of relaxation in May.

With Hangzhou taking the lead in lifting the purchase restrictions, the expectation of loosening real estate regulation and control policies nationwide is further heating up. At present, in addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other first-tier cities, Hainan Province, Tianjin, Xi'an and other provinces and cities still retain some purchase restrictions, and other areas have been fully liberalized. Industry insiders expect that with Hangzhou taking the lead in the charge, a nationwide wave of relaxation is expected in May, and more cities are expected to follow up on similar policies. This will further boost confidence in the real estate market, stimulate market vitality, and accelerate the recovery of the industry.

Generally speaking, the lifting of purchase restrictions in Hangzhou sends a positive signal that the real estate industry is ushering in a new inflection point. Under the general principle of "housing speculation", relaxing purchase restrictions will help to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market and meet the reasonable housing needs of residents. In the coming period of time, the real estate market is expected to rise again, and the investment opportunities of real estate stocks are also worthy of attention. At the same time, with the optimization and adjustment of regulation and control policies, the real estate industry will also accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading to high-quality development.


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