deuceswildmultihand| Open source securities: There is a definite supply contraction of white chickens. The resonance of pigs and chickens can be expected upwards

Date: 4个月前 (05-20)View: 62Comments: 0

News summary

[Open Source Securities: There is a definite supply contraction of white chickens, and the resonance of pigs and chickens is expected to rise] Securities Times e Company Newsdeuceswildmultihand, Open Source Securities Research News believesdeuceswildmultihandAffected by the transmission gap in the introduction of ancestral chickens from May to December 2022 (also disturbed by factors such as forced molting), there will be a definite supply of white feather broilers in 2024.deuceswildmultihand.deuceswildmultihand..

deuceswildmultihand| Open source securities: There is a definite supply contraction of white chickens. The resonance of pigs and chickens can be expected upwards

Newsletter text

[Open Source Securities: There is a definite supply contraction of white chickens. The resonance of pigs and chickens is expected to rise.] Securities Times e Company News, Open Source Securities Research News believes that due to the transmission gap in the introduction of ancestral chickens from May to December 2022, the impact of the transmission gap in the introduction of chickens (At the same time, disturbed by factors such as forced molting), there will be a definite supply contraction of white feather broilers in 2024. Based on the 42-week moving average sales volume of parental chickens, the supply trend of commercial chickens is estimated. The supply of broilers in 2024 will be low or in October., at that time, the supply of live pigs also shrank significantly and entered the peak consumption season. The logic of pigs and chickens strengthens each other, and the resonance can be expected upwards. At present, the white chicken sector is still at a relatively low level, and the allocation winning rate is high. It is recommended to strengthen allocation.


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