halloweenpinballmachine| Shocked! Reported by all employees under their real names? This new car force reported!

Date: 5个月前 (04-11)View: 99Comments: 0


  声明称,4月9日,悠遥汽车官方公众号“XEV YOYO”和“XEV悠遥汽车”遭遇未经授权的侵入。有人冒充“全体员工”名义,发布了一篇名为《告股东书 / TO THE SHAREHOLDERS》(以下简称“《告股东书》”)的文章,该文章对公司的运营管理提出了多项严重指控。



  4月10日晚,“XEV YOYO” 微信公众号还发布了一篇《关于微信公众号被冒用发布不实信息-声明书》称,该账号被不法人员侵入控制,恶意发布了XEV集团谣言。集团已经向警察监管机关报案请其介入调查。




  记者注意到,发布《XEV官方声明书》的“XEV YOYO”微信公众号账号信息显示,该账号主体为上海悠遥科技有限公司。该账号公众号简介显示,自2023年11月13日起,悠遥汽车官方公众号平台迁移至全新的@XEV悠遥汽车,并停用此公众号。




halloweenpinballmachine| Shocked! Reported by all employees under their real names? This new car force reported!



  天眼查信息显示,未来环球成立于中国香港,登记的英文名称为“XEV LIMITED”,负责人“Tik Lou”正是路迪。



  “全体员工”按手印 控诉公司“五大罪状”



Second, the sales business is developing well but is forced to suspend production and sales. According to the letter to shareholders, the level of product research and development and quality of the company has improved greatly since 2022, the product cost has further dropped in 2023, and the comprehensive gross profit of bicycle sales has reached 30%. Previously, the company's stable large-scale sales channel was only in Italy, but since January 2024, the management has abruptly stopped factory production and completely stopped its support for overseas channel development on the grounds of the company's tight cash flow, resulting in the loss of a large number of potential customers. the order was suspended.

Third, the financing is not ideal, suspected of falsifying sales to raise finance with loans. According to the letter to shareholders, the financing situation of the company has not been satisfactory in the past two years. The financing team continues to fabricate false sales data, calculate the amount of inventory financing as sales revenue to fabricate sales reports, and ask the sales team to cooperate. The financing team took over the inventory financing business and operated with the thinking of equity financing. in the middle and late 2023, in the absence of sufficient order expectations, in order to meet the demand for inventory capacity and fake sales revenue, forced production of a large amount of inventory, and then forced to do short-term inventory financing for all inventory, and recognized as sales revenue, in order to quickly create the illusion of high sales, thus deceiving investors. This leads to a repurchase run after the inventory financing expires soon, and the company's cash flow continues to deteriorate.

Fourth, the confusion of financial management and the suspension of payment across the board lead to a run on the supplier. According to the letter to shareholders, the company has no clear budget system and has not set up separate cost centers in different sectors based on business development to optimize the company's operation and management. The management lacks a long-term and reasonable plan for the financial management of the company. According to incomplete statistics, as of September 2023, the company still has more than 100 million yuan in cash flow, but due to financial management confusion and continuous mistakes in business decision-making, the company's cash flow is close to breaking by the end of 2023. The management also fabricated 70 million yuan in sales expenses in the annual report, of which more than 44 million yuan was the after-sales claim cost of the old models that the chairman was responsible for selling in the past. At present, the overall external debt of XEV Group is more than 300 million yuan, the value of assets is less than 100 million yuan, and it is seriously insolvent.

Fifth, stop paying all employees' salaries for no reason and violently force the Shanghai company.

According to the "letter to shareholders", since the company stopped making foreign payments in January, the management only focused on cashing out existing cars in stock, regardless of sustainable development, and all businesses were forced to gradually shut down. On March 18, 2024, management instructed HR to make a sudden and violent layoff of the global sales / operation / marketing / finance team in Shanghai (including pregnant employees) without any advance communication and negotiation and no compensation package. The move triggered a fierce reaction from all employees, and employees in Shanghai and Hefei began to protect their rights in accordance with the law at the same time.

According to the letter to shareholders, the company's chairman, Rudy, and the chief financial officer, he Jianghao, suffered major dereliction of duty in the company's operation and management, and were suspected of fabricating sales volume, concealing the truth, making wrong decisions, and chaotic management in the company's operation and management. At the same time, in the face of the company's crisis, illegal and immoral handling of problems, across-the-board violence and indifference to the demands of employees and relevant partners led to the instant collapse of the company. Completely lose the trust of all employees, all suppliers and all dealers in a very short time. The company is now on the verge of bankruptcy and is severely insolvent.

Finally, the letter of complaint is accompanied by the handprints and signatures of employees, who believe that shareholders have a right to know the truth.


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