blackjackpoker| The 13th China Liquor T9 Summit was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi

Date: 5个月前 (04-13)View: 101Comments: 0

On April 12, the 13th Chinese Liquor T9 Summit sponsored by China Liquor Industry Association and hosted by Fenjiu Group was solemnly held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province.

Song Shuyu, chairman of China Liquor Industry Association; Ding Xiongjun, party committee secretary and chairman of Maotai Group; Zeng Congqin, party committee secretary and chairman of Wuliangye Group; Zhang Liandong, party committee secretary and chairman of Yanghe Group; Yuan Qingmao, party committee secretary and chairman of Fenjiu Group; Liu Miao, party committee secretary and chairman of Luzhou laojiao Group; Liang Jinhui, party committee secretary and chairman of Gujing Group; Wang Junlin, chairman of Langjiu Group Wang Diqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of Xijiu Group, Xu Zhancheng, chief engineer of Jiannanchun Group, attended the summit, which was presided over by he Yong, secretary general of China Wine Industry Association.

Gan Quan, Liu Zhenguo and du Xiaowei, deputy secretaries of the China Liquor Industry Association, Li Zhenhuan, full-time deputy secretary and vice chairman of the party committee of Fenjiu Group, Liu Weihua, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of Fenjiu Group, Wang Huai, deputy general manager and chief accountant of Fenjiu Group, some senior executives of Fenjiu shares and relevant leaders of Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe, Luzhou laojiao, Gujing, Langjiu, Xijiu and Jiannanchun attended the summit.

Speaking at the summit, Li Zhenhuan said that under the guidance of the China Liquor Industry Association and the joint efforts of participating enterprises, the T9 Summit has played a positive role in exploring the development direction of the liquor industry, promoting the high-quality development of the liquor industry, promoting China's liquor to the world stage, creating a good environment for the development of the industry, and undertaking social responsibility. It is believed that through the joint progress and win-win situation of the participating enterprises, we will be able to promote the giant ship of Chinese liquor to a brighter future.

He Yongzuo summarized the work of China Wine Association in 2023 and made specific arrangements for the work in 2024.

Song Shuyu made a thematic report on the theme of "strengthening confidence and raising value". This paper analyzes the formation and development of the new pattern of China's liquor industry, the expansion and cultivation of liquor market, digital transformation and intelligent production, cultural value and brand construction, cross-border cooperation, diversification and international development, and makes arrangements for the key work of the Association in 2024.

Song Shuyu said that 2024 is an important node in the development of the wine industry. We should take the initiative to resolve contradictions, actively sink to the bottom, actively adjust strategies, enhance confidence, think with the bottom line, and dare to make profits and losses.BlackjackpokerTo build strong self-confidence by inheriting self-confidence, consumer self-confidence and development self-confidence; to stick to the origin, not to forget the original ideal and ambition, to build the origin of brewing, to enhance the source of talents, and to strengthen the source of scientific and technological innovation; to enhance the value system, quality, brand, culture, strength, excellence, and excellence; to prosper the domestic market, open up the international blue ocean, and enhance the vitality and influence of China's wine industry.

At the summit, Ding Xiongjun, Zeng Congqin, Zhang Liandong, Yuan Qingmao, Liu Miao, Liang Jinhui, Wang Junlin, Wang Diqiang and Xu Zhancheng respectively expressed their insights around the theme of the conference and jointly discussed the new problems, new thinking and new strategies in the development of China's liquor-making industry. suggestions and suggestions for the sustainable development of China's liquor industry.

Yuan Qingmao made an exchange speech from one change, two fundamentals and three values under the title of "123" Chinese Liquor Development View. He said that building confidence should be based on a change of situation. Under the great changes on the demand side and the supply side, only by making good wine, storing old wine, selling good wine, making better wine, storing older wine, and selling better wine can we have a future. To consolidate the origin, it is necessary to stabilize the two fundamentals of quality and brand. To stabilize the quality, the key is to establish a "high standard system of the whole industry chain"; to stabilize the brand, the key lies in brand positioning and living culture. To mention value, we should focus on the three major values of industry, category and product. Industrial value, focus on the promotion of industrial social responsibility and consumer awareness; category value, through continuous improvement, establish an overall category image, work together to create a more diversified consumption experience, docking with the world wine industry; product value, constantly improve product quality, control consumption costs, and strive to achieve good wine parity and value for money.

Yuan Qingmao said that at present, under the guidance and help of the China Liquor Industry Association and under the influence and inspiration of the advanced ideas and excellent practices of various brother enterprises, Fenjiu has developed correct logic, practiced excellent logic, and grasped the potential energy and category potential energy of famous wines. It has basically achieved "seeking progress in stability, keeping stability in advance, standing first and then breaking", and has achieved rapid growth. In the future, Fenjiu will continue to learn from brother enterprises, improve and optimize, so as to make the development of Fen Liquor more robust, more efficient, higher quality, and better contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of China's liquor industry.

In the face of many uncertain factors, the meeting called on China's liquor industry to be confident in its development, to keep its origin and to lay a solid foundation, and to never stop promoting the value of the liquor industry.

Written by Hou Xiao Bai Xue

blackjackpoker| The 13th China Liquor T9 Summit was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi

Photo: Li Jiebai Xue Zhang Li

Source: official account of Fenjiu Group


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