fifaworldcup2022qualifierschina| Top 100 market value of Jiangsu New Third Board enterprises in April 2024:31 companies hit the Beijing Stock Exchange

Date: 5个月前 (04-13)View: 77Comments: 0

Dug Bei Institute combed out the market value of Jiangsu new third board enterprises TOP100 (hereinafter referred to as "list" or "TOP100") in April 2024, 8 enterprises had a market capitalization of more than 2.5 billion yuan, and 31 enterprises attacked the Beijing Stock Exchange.

Eight enterprises have a market capitalization of more than 2.5 billion yuan

According to the research institute of digging shellfish, on the listFifaworldcup2022qualifierschinaThe total market capitalization of the 100 enterprises is about 134.9 billion yuan. Among them, the market capitalization of Donghai Securities is 157.Fifaworldcup2022qualifierschina.17 billion yuan tops the list, followed by Lin Hua Medical, with a market capitalization of 8.335 billion yuan, and Aidi Weixin ranked third with a market capitalization of 5.899 billion yuan.

From the market value distribution of the companies on the list, there are 8 enterprises with a market capitalization of more than 2.5 billion yuan in TOP100, and 13, 16, 16 and 24 enterprises with a market capitalization of 15-2.5 billion yuan, 10-1.5 billion yuan, 8-1 billion yuan and 600-800 million yuan respectively. In addition, there are 23 enterprises with a market capitalization of less than 600 million yuan.

Note: small values do not contain, large values include; for example: 8-1 billion, does not contain 800 million, contains 1 billion.

The companies ranked No. 1 to 10 on the list and the corresponding market capitalization are:

Donghai Securities (832970) 15.717 billion yuan

Lin Hua Medical (835637) 8.335 billion yuan

Aidi Weixin (874055) 5.899 billion yuan

Tiangong shares (834549) 5.444 billion yuan

Hengshen shares (832397) 3.605 billion yuan

Doctoral medical materials (873710) 3.418 billion yuan

Hailong Medicine (870070) 3.331 billion yuan

Sunshine Seiki (873324) 2.911 billion yuan

Rugao Bank (871728) 2.492 billion yuan

Huayuan saves water (836024) 2.164 billion yuan.

31 companies attacked the Beijing Stock Exchange.

As of April 11, 31 companies in TOP100 had attacked the Beijing Stock Exchange, according to data from the Beibei Research Institute. Among them, Wanyuantong, Ruihua Technology, Jinkang Seiko, 8 enterprise application materials were accepted, 20 enterprises entered the tutoring period.

The 8 enterprises that accepted the application materials are Tiangong shares, Sunshine Seiki, Changrong Electric Appliances, Tiansheng shares, Yudi Optics, Shuangda shares, Zhongcheng Consulting, Yongchuang Pharmaceutical.

The 20 enterprises in the guidance period are Hengshen shares, Bosheng Medical Materials, Hairong Pharmaceutical, Yew Pharmaceutical, Youcheng Technology, Hengdao Medicine, Alumeige, Jianke Group, Suzhou Electric porcelain, Hai Tu Technology, Lintai New Materials, Simba Technology, Dongsheng shares, Tongbao Optoelectronics, Silk, Solat, Jianyuan shares, Huaxin Glass, Baoyi shares, Ruitie shares.

Computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing accounted for 10%

Judging from the industry distribution of the companies on the list, there are 10 companies in computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, followed by electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, with 9 enterprises, followed by special equipment manufacturing, with 8 enterprises.

fifaworldcup2022qualifierschina| Top 100 market value of Jiangsu New Third Board enterprises in April 2024:31 companies hit the Beijing Stock Exchange

Note: the industry classification adopts the industry of the Securities Regulatory Commission.

Attached-market capitalization TOP100 of Jiangsu new third board enterprises in April 2024 (data closed as of April 11)


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