gamemobilecrypto| "Developing a New Era of Intelligence" ZTE made a wonderful appearance at the 2024 China Mobile Computing Network Conference

Date: 5个月前 (04-29)View: 71Comments: 0

April 28thGamemobilecryptoThe 2024 China Mobile Computing Network Conference kicked off in Suzhou. ZTE (000063) participated in the exhibition with the theme of "Xing Intelligent New era", showing full range of computing / storage / network products, large models, data centers, intelligent terminals and other full-stack full-scene intelligent computing solutions and products, helping China Mobile to further implement the concept of "strong computing by network", ignite a new engine of digital economy, and light up the new era of AI. Zhang Wanchun, senior vice president of ZTE and president of wireless and computing products, attended the main forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "AI Advanced, ushering in a New era of extremely Intelligent Computing Network".

AI advanced, ushering in a new era of extreme Intelligence Network

Zhang Wanchun said in his speech that over the past year, large models and generative AI have changed with each passing day, the era of high-speed iteration, the era of full AI has begun, and the industry has formed a general consensus, that is, the world has entered an AI-driven industrial revolution, and AI will have a far-reaching impact and change on production and life. Operators are also changing in response to the situation, comprehensively embracing generative AI technology from the aspects of "improving efficiency internally, empowering externally and new in digital intelligence warfare".

As for the advanced AI, Zhang Wanchun said that ZTE adheres to the core proposition of open decoupling, strong calculation by network, and combination of training and promotion. The first is to open and decouple and build a prosperous ecology. ZTE Corporation advocates the construction of a full-stack open intelligent computing plan from the aspects of infrastructure, capability platform and computing network, and promotes the componentization and sharing of various capabilities through software-hardware decoupling, training and push decoupling and model decoupling, accelerates the commercialization process of AI technology innovation, research and development and application, builds an open technology ecology, and realizes win-win business ecology. Secondly, we should use the net to force the calculation to create an efficient base. In the field of intelligent computing, high-speed network connection is very important, which requires the innovation and breakthrough of network connection technology from four aspects: on-chip bare Die interconnection, between chips, between servers, and between DC. Third, carry out both training and promotion to speed up the commercial closed loop. China has a large number of rich application scenarios and private domain data, which is the greatest advantage in the global AI competition, training and promotion, in order to train creative ability, reasoning and application to verify value, build data flywheel, double cycle will further promote AI capability iteration and commercial realization, thus forging core advantages. In terms of specific operation, we advocate anchoring high-value industries and angel customers, and suggest supporting on-demand services.

Zhang Wanchun stressed that ZTE Corporation has always focused on customer value, providing full-stack full-scene intelligent computing solutions ranging from computing power, network, capability, intelligence to application, and has accumulated a number of key technologies, such as high-speed interconnection, on-line computing, native computing power, non-inductive migration, data processing and algorithm optimization. ZTE Corporation adheres to the principles of diversity, complementarity, openness and altruism, fully supports the mission and responsibility of China Mobile's long industry chain, and builds an open and decoupled full-stack smart computing solution, which will serve as the company's most important strategic track and increase investment. to help the smart computing industry become bigger and stronger.

"Xing Intelligent New era" ZTE booth makes a wonderful appearance.

Smart infrastructure

At a time when the digital wave is sweeping the world, intelligent computing infrastructure, as the cornerstone of the development of new productivity, is very important to promote the great-leap-forward development of computing network. ZTE Corporation provides one-stop training server, reasoning server, all-in-one training machine, general computing server, high-performance file storage, high-performance RoCE switch, and large-scale networking solution to meet the construction needs of diversified computing centers such as million-card intelligence resource pool, Tongzhi fusion resource pool and edge reasoning cluster. At the same time, ZTE Corporation is committed to creating an intelligent computing ecology of open decoupling and independent innovation, self-developed 100G/200G high-speed RDMA network cards and lossless network switches, support large-capacity forwarding capacity, end-to-end network cooperation to meet the needs of high-speed interconnection of Vanka clusters, support diversified GPU computing power, and fully adapt to a number of mainstream models in the industry, support customers to migrate and adapt quickly and at low cost, and accelerate AI business innovation.

Large model

With its strong data processing ability and deep learning ability, large model provides a new way to solve complex problems, becomes an important driving force of intelligent upgrading, and is leading a new change. ZTE Corporation has actively explored the industry landing of large models, and has successively launched large model applications in many directions, such as research and development efficiency, communication network operation and maintenance, SMS anti-fraud, city lifeline, industrial park, water conservancy monitoring, and so on. at the same time, based on the end-to-end intelligent computing platform to provide customers with the whole process large model tool chain, reduce the customer entry threshold and development, use costs, and help the universal application of the big model in the industry. To achieve win-win situation with China Mobile and industry customers.

Smart data center

As an important part of the new infrastructure, data center plays a vital role in the strategy of "calculating the number from the east to the west", and puts forward higher requirements for energy saving, reliability and intelligence. For the ZTE data center, ZTE provides end-to-end lifecycle service capabilities from consulting planning to integrated delivery. The introduction of full-scene data center solutions, continuous innovation in the fields of power supply and distribution, refrigeration, management and control, and the introduction of prefabricated power modules, liquid cooling, indirect steaming, AI management and other energy-saving products, combined with cold plate liquid cooling technology, help China Mobile to build an extremely energy-saving, safe and reliable data center in the intelligent computing era.

gamemobilecrypto| "Developing a New Era of Intelligence" ZTE made a wonderful appearance at the 2024 China Mobile Computing Network Conference

GoldenDB database

Database is the core engine of data management and analysis, which plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring data security, improving operational efficiency and driving business innovation. ZTE Corporation's GoldenDB database core technology is independent and controllable, has taken the lead in the operator market, and has fully participated in the upgrading and renovation of operators' business support systems, providing solid support for operators' digital intelligence transformation, ensuring business continuity, data security and efficient operation of the system.

Full scene intelligent terminal

The intelligent terminal is an important bridge connecting people and the digital world. The intelligence, diversification and personalization of the terminal greatly enrich the user experience, redefine the way we interact with technology, and lead the new fashion of digital life. ZTE consumer terminal to create a full scene of intelligent ecology 3GamemobilecryptoThe naked eye 3D of .0BI 5GargAI participates in ecological co-construction, from flagship to 100 yuan mobile phones help popularize AI for all; Minimalist all-Optical Network helps China Mobile expand ToB blue ocean market; and all series of cloud terminals help China Mobile build an integrated cloud computer solution of "connection, computing power and application", jointly build a new ecology of Yunbian, and comprehensively empower enterprises, families and individuals.

Faced with the broad opportunities brought by the new round of artificial intelligence craze, ZTE is willing to join hands with China Mobile to drive development by innovation, lead the future with intelligence, build a digital intelligence base of "connection + computing power" for the development of new quality productivity, and jointly draw a new blueprint for computing power networks and seek a new future for digital intelligence China.


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