
Date: 5个月前 (05-03)View: 60Comments: 0

U.S. companies cut their hiring plans in April, and employers announced new hiring plans in the first four months of this year at the lowest level since 2016, according to a report released Thursday by Challenger, a US employment consultancy.

Companies planned to hire 9802 people last month, the lowest since 2013, according to monthly data released by Challenger, Gray & Christmas. At the same time, the number of layoffs has also decreased, with employers planning to cut 64794 jobs, a decrease of 28% compared with March.

The move comes after recent data showed that the US labour market is cooling but still resilient as companies struggle to cope with higher interest rates, lingering inflationary pressures and economic uncertainty ahead of the election.

"the labour market is still tight," said Andrew Challenger, senior vice president of the executive training company, which released the report. "however, as labour costs continue to rise, the pace of corporate recruitment will slow and we expect further layoffs."

"the lower figure for April may be the calm before the storm,"RickmortymegawaysHe said.


The auto industry had the most layoffs in April, with Tesla accounting for the vast majority of layoffs.

The company cut 800 jobs in April due to artificial intelligence, the highest monthly level since May 2023.


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