bingoplus| Why are car tires bulging?

Date: 4个月前 (05-08)View: 64Comments: 0

Automobile tire is an important part of automobile, and its quality directly affects the driving safety of automobile. In daily use, car owners may find the phenomenon of bulging tires. What is the reason for this?Bingoplus? Let's discuss it together.

Analysis of the causes of tire drum:

bingoplus| Why are car tires bulging?

oneBingoplus. Impact: when the car is driving, the tire hits the hard object on the road or the speed reducer, etc., which is easy to cause the tire drum. This is because the impact breaks the steel cord inside the tire, resulting in an increase in gas pressure inside the tire, resulting in the formation of a drum.

two。 Overload: if the car is overloaded for a long time, it will increase the load of the tire, resulting in an increase in the internal pressure of the tire, resulting in a tire drum. In addition, overloading may also lead to excessive tire wear and affect the service life of the tire.

3. Abnormal air pressure: too high or too low tire pressure can lead to tire bulging. If the air pressure is too high, it will increase the internal pressure of the tire and cause the steel cord inside the tire to break; while too low air pressure will deform the tire and increase the friction between the tire and the ground, resulting in excessive tire wear and drum.

4. Tire quality problems: if the tire itself has quality problems, such as insufficient strength of steel cord, insufficient vulcanization, etc., it may also lead to tire bulging. Therefore, when choosing tires, car owners should choose brands with reliable quality.

So, how to avoid tire drum? Here are some suggestions:

1. Avoid collision: in the process of driving, car owners should try their best to avoid hard objects on the road and avoid driving at high speed, so as to reduce the chance of tire impact.

two。 Control the speed: in the process of driving, the owner should control the speed and avoid driving at high speed so as to reduce tire wear.

3. Check the tire pressure regularly: the owner should check the tire pressure regularly to ensure that the tire pressure is within the prescribed range. If abnormal air pressure is found, it should be adjusted in time.

4. Choose reliable tires: when choosing tires, car owners should choose brands of reliable quality to ensure the performance and safety of tires.

The harm of tire drum bag:

The harm content may result in tire deformation affecting vehicle driving stability, increasing the risk of overturning, decreasing tire grip affecting vehicle driving safety, easily leading to traffic accidents, shortening tire life and increasing tire replacement frequency. increase the economic burden of car owners, increase the risk of tire burst, increase the safety of owners and passengers

The above is about the cause analysis and preventive measures of automobile tire drum. In daily use, car owners should pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of tires to avoid the occurrence of tire bulging.


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