royal9baccarat| The general manager of "No. 1 brokerage brother" resigns!

Date: 4个月前 (05-24)View: 72Comments: 0

Senior executives of Citic Securities, "Brother Brother of the brokerage," have changed.

General Manager Yang Minghui submitted a resignation report to the board of directors on May 24, 2024 because of his retirement age, Citic Securities announced on May 24. During the vacancy of the general manager of the company, Zhang Youjun, executive director and chairman of the board, shall perform the duties of the general manager of the company.

It is reported that since the beginning of this year, senior executives of securities firms have changed frequently. Including China International Capital Corporation, Guotai Junan, Caida Securities, Dongguan Securities, Hualin Securities, Dongxing Securities and so on. On the whole, since the beginning of this year, the main reasons for the departure of senior executives of securities firms are personal reasons, retirement of age, job transfer and so on.

The general manager resigned because of his retirement.

royal9baccarat| The general manager of "No. 1 brokerage brother" resigns!

Citic Securities announced on May 24 that Yang Minghui submitted his resignation report to the board of directors on May 24, 2024 and applied to resign as an executive director of the eighth session of the board of directors, a member / chairman of a special committee under the board of directors, general manager, executive member, authorized representative and other positions held in the company and its holding subsidiary. According to the Company Law and the articles of Association of the company, Yang Minghui's resignation takes effect when the resignation report is sent to the company's board of directors.

According to Citic Securities, Yang Minghui has worked for Citic Securities for a long time, serving as the company's executive director since January 19, 2016, and as the company's general manager since June 27 of the same year. During the performance of his duties, he scrupulously and diligently made important contributions to the high-quality development of the company.

Citic Securities said that during the vacancy of the general manager of the company, Zhang Youjun, executive director and chairman, will perform the duties of the general manager of the company on his behalf, starting from the date of examination and approval of the board of directors until the date of appointment of a new general manager by the board of directors.

Senior executives of securities firms change frequently.

Since the beginning of this year, brokerage executives have changed frequently.

Citic Construction Investment announced on the evening of May 24 that Zhou Zhigang, a senior executive of the company, submitted a resignation report to the board of directors after reaching the legal retirement age, applying to resign as a member of the company's executive committee, effective May 24, 2024.

On May 22, Hualin Securities announced that the company's board of directors appointed Qin Xiang as chief executive officer and acted as financial director. On the same day, Hualin Securities announced that Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Zhu Song applied to resign for personal reasons. Prior to this, Hualin Securities has adjusted a number of important management positions, such as executive committee member, compliance director, chief risk officer, and so on.

Since 2024, a number of senior executives of Dongguan Securities have adjusted. On May 20, the announcement of Dongguan Securities mentioned the departure and new appointments of senior managers in four different positions. According to the announcement, Guo Xiaoyun, former compliance director and chief legal officer, and Jiang Zemin, former vice president and acting financial director and secretary Dong, all resigned their original positions due to job adjustment and transferred to Dongguan Securities Senior Advisor. At the same time, Dongguan Securities also announced that Luo Yifen will serve as Chief Financial Officer and Secretary Dong, and Zhang Yichao will serve as assistant to the president.

On the evening of April 8, Caida Securities announced that since April 8, 2024, Zhang Ming, party committee secretary, vice chairman, director and general manager of the company, officially served as chairman of the third board of directors, chairman of the strategy and ESG committee of the board of directors, and chairman of the risk management committee of the board of directors. the term of office ends on the expiration of the third board of directors. Caida Securities announced on March 18 that Zhai Jianqiang, the former chairman, applied to resign because he was old enough to retire.

On February 7, China International Capital Corporation announced that Chu Gang would no longer serve as a member of the company's management committee and chief operating officer because it had reached the legal retirement age.Royal9baccaratDue to work needs, Magui has resigned as CFO of the company. After resigning as CFO, Magui will continue to work in the company or its subsidiaries.

On February 1, Dongxing Securities announced that the company had received a written resignation from General Manager Zhang Tao. Zhang Tao applied for personal reasons to resign as a director of the fifth board of directors, chairman of the risk control committee of the board of directors, member of the board of directors development strategy committee and general manager. The board of directors agrees that during the vacancy of the general manager, Li Juan, the chairman, will perform the duties of the general manager.

On the evening of January 23, Guotai Junan announced that the company's board of directors agreed to appoint Li Junjie as president of the company for the same term as the sixth board of directors.

On the whole, since the beginning of this year, the departure of senior executives of securities firms is mainly due to personal reasons, retirement of age, job transfer and other reasons.

Industry insiders said that the frequent changes of brokerage executives may be related to the company's strategic adjustment.

For example, after hiring a new CEO, Hualin Securities said that the company will strengthen the strategic goal of technological financial transformation, focus on "strategic depth promotion" and "organizational capability improvement", and strive to become a technology-driven light asset trading platform securities firm through the simultaneous construction of scientific and technological capabilities and service capabilities.

(article sourceRoyal9baccaratChina Securities News)


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